We're trying something new
What we do
We host events that bring people together in an natural and enjoyable way, based on their shared interests.
How it works
Our programs can take place over multiple events or as a one-off.
For multi-event programs, you stay with the same group of people throughout the program, meeting regularly, usually every week or two.
We admit participants to a gaggle based on their shared interests, age range, and location.
There are generally two parts to each session –
- Group games – Fun and easy games aimed at connecting with others in your gaggle. Early in a program these activities will be more focused on getting to know one another.
- Main activity – The themed activity of the program and usually the bulk of each session, as outlined in the program's description.
How to join a gaggle
- Select a program you're interested in.
- Tell us a little about yourself.
- If your interests and location align with others, you will be notified and can then make a payment to confirm your spot.
- Come to each event ready to have fun. Leave the rest to us!
Visit our FAQ page for more information, or contact us.
About us
We are a brand new, Chicago-based business.
As a new concept, we are currently offering a very limited number of programs, and limiting them to the Chicago area.